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  The pain of faulty merchandise in rural areas:

  While the actions of consumerism are carried on warmly in cities, lots of faulty merchandise are going to rural areas. According to the result of an investigation, the most important factor that affects the consumers in rural areas is price, which leads to the situation that faulty merchandise spread widely in villages. It is necessary for local governments to supervise the markets strictly.


  China consumption index of 2005~2006: 71

  The consumption index of 2005~2006 is 71,which is 2 points more than that of last year. In 2005, Chinese economy was keeping growing at a high speed, but according to the result of an investigation, people were not satisfied with the present situation of consumption. This is because of the gap between real income and people’s expect. And the pressure from education, residence and medical treatment, which are called “3 new hills” , makes about half of Chinese people feel that there is no improvement in consumption structure at all.


  Why the gap of income is bigger and bigger?

  The gap of income between the rich and the poor in China is growing rapidly, which causes great concern. China used to be a country where equalitarianism were in vogue, but now the problem of the gap of income is more serious than the average level of the world. What is the reason that leads to the great change during last 20 years? And what should we do to prevent the gap of income from turning into a gulf?


  Li Zhaoxing: both a diplomat and a poet

  Being a diplomat, Li Zhaoxing have experienced various and unpredictable changes of the world situation. He is famous for great eloquence, and on the other hand, he is also a poet with a warm heart. The words of the song “one world one dream” which was written by him has been spread widely.





